Thank you for stopping by. If there anything you can learn from me to help advance your beadwork that thrills me. I love people and teaching. And I always learn from my students too, they are a real source of knowledge and inspiration. I believe everyone was designed to be creative, the question is if it is encouraged and developed to emerge, and then to refine and master it. I hope I can be a source of encouragement to you.
I feel privileged to be doing this work. Yes, it’s like any other job with deadlines and deliverables but it’s all enjoyable. I take pleasure in learning, designing and sharing the beading passion with others.
About Me
I am an artist/designer and national/international instructor teaching unique off-loom seed bead jewelry designs. My background in couture sewing was a natural transition into beadwork design and construction. In the last five years, my venture into watercolor painting has further inspired and brought fresh approaches to my color theory. I am also a graphic designer and professionally illustrate and lay out all my instructions in an attempt to teach well. My work is published in a number of books and magazines including Master’s Beadweaving, Major Works by Leading Artist, Larks, 2008.
In 2010 I had the privilege of being named Designer of the Year 2010 for Beadwork Magazine, so you can find six of my original designs and patterns in each of the issues for that year. My studio is on the beautiful California central coast where I bead, swim, bike, hike, paint and enjoy time with my husband Scott.
Bead and Button Master Teacher, “Architecting Compelling Clasps”, June 2016
Bead and Button Artist Profile, October 2015, Issue 129
Bead and Button Show Faculty 2005-2018
Beads on the Vine, Event Design & Management 2001 – current, www.beadsonthevine.com
Creative Beading, Volume 8, Kalmbach, 2013, Bejeweled Garland Choker
Mastering Peyote Stitch, Melinda Barta, 2012, Patterned Petals
ShowCase 500 Beaded Jewelry, Larks, 2012
Bead & Button Magazine, June 2012, Issue 109, Bejeweled Garland Choker
Bead Stitching Chevron Chain Video, F+W Media, DVD or Digital Download
Designer of the Year, Beadwork Magazine, 2010, produced six designs exclusively for readership
Architecting A Clasp, BEADWORK, Favorite Bead Stitches 2010, article on principles of design
Jill Wiseman’s Beautiful Beaded Robes, Larks, 2012
Masters Beadweaving, Major Works by Leading Artist, Larks, 2008